President’s Letter Fall 2024
For more than forty years, GetAbout has been providing transportation to any New Canaan resident who is unable to drive themselves. Frequently our drivers transport the same riders each week, or even day, and they develop strong friendships. So when Edith, a 103-year-old rider, wanted to go to West Point to attend a parade and ceremony for her younger friend Taylor, GetAbout worked together to make this happen.
Edith’s GetAbout driver, Dan, traveled up to West Point with her on a Saturday using one of our vans. Not only did Edith, a World War II veteran herself, get to see her friend’s inauguration as a first-year cadet, but she was also recognized and congratulated for being one of our oldest living veterans. Edith had a wonderful time and acknowledged that this day would not have happened without GetAbout. It was truly a memorable experience for all.
For those looking to learn more, GetAbout is a non-profit organization. We employ ten professional, CDL licensed, drivers and dispatchers who operate a fleet of seven wheelchair-capable vans, plus an eight-passenger van and a twelve-passenger van. Our drivers are all trained in maneuvering and securing wheelchairs in our vans to meet the needs of all passengers. Last year we provided over 9,000 free rides to more than 150 New Canaan residents. Rides may be to or from anywhere in New Canaan, or to and from any medical appointment in the surrounding towns of Wilton, Norwalk, Darien and Stamford. We also delivered more than 5,000 meals for Meals-on-Wheels to homebound residents. We look forward to the year ahead and all that we can do to continue to support our community.
Our all-volunteer Board provides free expertise in management, finance, operations, and fundraising, but gasoline, insurance, van maintenance, and our professional drivers all require financial support. As we complete another successful year, I’d like to ask you to consider making a contribution to enable us to continue serving the residents of New Canaan. In addition, we have set the date for our Spring Fundraiser which will be on Saturday, April 26th. Tickets will be available on our website. Please sign up early as I’m sure we will sell out quickly.
I look forward to seeing you at next year’s gala! Many thanks!
William S. Post